Academic Disputes


Most students who seek our assistance have been accused by their school of some type of academic offence ranging from cheating on a test or exam, submitting forged documentation (such as a fake doctor’s note), plagiarism, purchasing an essay, etc.

What You Need To Know

The consequences for such actions can be severe and, in many cases, do not correlate to the actual actions of the student.

In addition to assisting students with academic disciplinary issues, we have advised students on academic petitions (deferred examinations, course withdrawals, etc.), and non-academic disciplinary matters.

We have extensive experience representing students in various academic disputes at universities across the province.

We are able to provide a consultation package for students which includes a brief review of the matter prior to the consultation, a one-hour consultation, and two follow-up emails with the student.  The cost for this package is $450. Many students find this consultation provides them with enough information and advice to handle their matter. In other cases students will hire us on an hourly basis to assist with preparing documentation, developing arguments, and representing the student at the various levels of the proceeding including an exploratory meeting, appearance before a faculty committee or tribunal, and an appeal to a Senate committee.

We have represented or advised students on academic matters at the following universities:

  • University of Toronto.
  • York University.
  • Ryerson University.
  • University of Western Ontario.
  • Wilfrid Laurier University.
  • Northern Ontario School of Medicine.
  • University of Guelph.

We have also assisted students with academic issues before professional colleges.

Furthermore, we have also represented students on disciplinary matters including high school suspensions and expulsions in the GTA. We have the necessary experience in these education matters to be resourceful, aggressive & relentless in presenting the best possible case to the education officials.

We have become known as experts on academic issues.  Adam Goodman has spoken on the issue at continuing professional development programs organized by the Law Society of Ontario and to criminal colleagues at the Destination CPD conference in Las Vegas, NV.  Adam was also interviewed as part of the CBC Documentary “Faking the Grade.

What's Next?

Book Your Consultation Today

We are ready to provide you with the representation and support you need to protect yourself and your loved ones. The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can protect you.